Thank you for this reminder! I'm not a visual artist but do try to mindfully observe the world around me - it's just very easy to forget! Or think you're doing it when you're actually just skating over details. I've never thought to deliberately try labelling the things I see, and intrigued that it's something you do because I always assumed visual artists wouldn't have much use for words in that way.

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Hi Kate, thanks for your thoughtful feedback! It is a bit strange isn’t it ? As an art teacher I discovered this when I was helping others to “see”. I think the words allowed the images to sink in and stay with students longer when they looked back down onto the blank page.

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I, too found the idea of labelling what you see fascinating. And the way that it helps to cause one to make connections about it to other objects and spaces.

Naming' things tends to give them life. Like it causes them to assert themselves more strongly.

I imagine that one would really pay attention to what they are observing if they have to rummage around in their brain for a word/words to describe it.

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Yes! You’re 100 correct and it helps to remember those moments and connections as well. 💕

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These are great tips! When I would do art for myself I would just spend hours and leave it feeling like it was still unfinished. However, creating art to go with my writing on substack has eased the pressure and I’m having a lot more fun with it. Flow is so important with art and when we strangle it with expectations, it suffocates. Xx

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Love the way you worded this ☺️

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